It’s safe to say that we have a complicated, and often imbalanced, relationship with work these days. Recent statistics have shown that three in five of us feel we work longer hours than we would like to work, with nearly a quarter of us estimating we overwork by at least ten hours each week. Needless to say, this is not conducive to a healthy personal life, in more ways than one.
Some of us are happy working more, whether a case of work-oholism or simply a desire to get ahead on saving money for the future; meanwhile, some of us are simply stretched by unreasonable working demands. All of us working longer hours share the same experience, though – of low energy, physically and mentally, either periodically or towards the end of a heavy week. What can we do to improve our energy levels when stuck in ‘the weeds’?
1. Prioritise Your Sleep
Whenever we talk about our energy levels, the first thing to consider – past the work sapping your energy, of course – is sleep. If you want to feel energised throughout the day, the first, best and most important step you can take is to improve the quality of sleep you experience.
Everyone knows by now that we’re recommended to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep as adults, but everyone is also guilty of playing fast and loose with their sleep. Getting in bed is not the same as getting sleep, even if it does impart some relaxation; the 45 minutes you spend staring at a bright smartphone screen before lights out will not be helping you to drift off soundly, either. Limiting screen time in the 2 hours before you go to sleep can help, as can setting a sleep routine that ensures you drift off at the same time each night.
2. Keep Hydrated and Well-Fed
Sleep isn’t the be and and end all, though – and some of you may have no problems with getting your 40 winks, despite days of dragging your feet in the office. How you treat your body in the day is just as crucial as how you treat it at night, and this is especially true with respect to food and drink.
Not drinking enough water can contribute to feelings of tiredness and difficulty concentrating, so make sure to keep water by your side at all points of the day. Nutrition plays a key role in keeping your energy levels up, too; protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates should be your order of the day, as opposed to saturated fats and sugary snacks!
3. Take Regular Breaks and Move
Though, not keeping water by your side may be the better move – as it is an excuse for you to get up and out of your seat to retrieve some! This is particularly important in bustling and high-pressure work environments like law offices; with large case-loads and tight deadlines, getting up can feel unconscionable.
But failing to get time away from the desk can hugely impact both your wakefulness and your productivity. Movement stimulates blood circulation, helping you stay alert – and as such, a short bout of walking, light stretching, or even just standing for a few minutes can make a significant difference.