Often labelled as a nerdy pastime, collecting is an activity that many people from all across the world engage and find joy in. This widespread hobby sends enthusiasts on a ceaseless quest to find more of the items they love – whether it’s stamps, sports memorabilia, vinyl records, action figures, books, coins, comics or any other item that presents value to them –with the purpose of extending their sets, which are never quite complete.
The advent of the internet, increased consumption of media content and the rise of fandom culture have all contributed to the growing popularity of collecting and the establishment of a thriving collectibles market where people buy and sell all sorts of assets. Nowadays, fans of all types can find a wide variety of objects related to their favourite celebrities, movie characters or fictional works. For example, collectibles of Marvel products are extremely popular with fans of the media franchise, and their passion is constantly fuelled by the never-ending stream of action figures and branded merchandise released on the market.
However, collecting is more than just searching and acquiring different objects based on personal interests. It’s a complex phenomenon that researchers have been studying for years, trying to uncover the reasons that stand behind people’s appetite for collectibles. Their explorations into the psychology of collecting have produced many interesting findings, shedding light on the joy and benefits that people experience when they take part in this curious hobby.
A feast for the eyes and soul
Sometimes, the motivation for collecting doesn’t go deeper than aesthetics. Gathering certain items and putting them on display offers people something beautiful to look at, adding interest to the spaces they inhabit, and that’s more than enough to fill their hearts with pride and joy. The visual appeal is easily noticeable in the case of art collections where the design, style and craft that go into creating art pieces provide quite a spectacle for viewers’ eyes.
A form of self-expression
As we’ve already mentioned, people usually collect things that have to do with their personal interests and preferences. Seen from this perspective, collecting can be interpreted as a form of self-expression. The items that one gathers are a reflection of their personality, providing a glimpse into what they like, think and desire. It’s a way to express their identities and showcase their values and beliefs. When you meet someone new, ask them what things they collect. That’s going to tell you a lot about who that person is.
A form of therapy and escapism
Stress and anxiety have become modern-day epidemics, and there’s not much one can do about it, but maybe collecting can help. The process of searching and finding items for a collection can be quite therapeutic, allowing people to detach themselves from the daily realities of life, which are not always pleasant, and immerse themselves in the worlds and universes that these collectible items are a part of. This form of escapism promotes relaxation, which can help you reduce stress levels, and provides a constant source of joy that you can take advantage of whenever you need a quick mood booster.
An avenue for education
One wouldn’t usually associate collecting with education, but at a closer inspection, the connection becomes obvious. When you collect things, you also collect information and knowledge. You don’t just pick items randomly and put them together without taking further interest in them. You study and investigate, learn about their history, significance and value, expanding your horizons. Therefore, collecting encourages you to explore new and fascinating worlds, turning the whole search process into a veritable learning experience.
Becoming part of a community
When you start collecting, you become part of a larger community of people who have similar interests and passions. This opens up opportunities for socialisation on online forums, social media groups, or at different events where community members gather to exchange ideas and talk about the things they’re passionate about. Connecting with like-minded individuals through your hobby provides you with a sense of belonging and emotional comfort.
The excitement of the search
For many collectors, the act of searching for new items to add to their collection feels like going on a thrilling adventure where they have to use their skills and knowledge to achieve their objectives. The more challenging the pursuit, the bigger the satisfaction they feel when they finally get their hands on the piece they are looking for.
Rare and limited-edition items are particularly difficult to come across, which makes them all the more appealing to collectors. It’s equally exciting to find items by chance, although one would have to be very lucky to simply stumble upon a sought-after collectible. So, it’s not just the objects themselves that bring joy, but the entire process of scouring vintage shops, going to auctions or exploring online marketplaces to find hidden gems.
A sense of achievement
Building a collection, regardless of the objects it comprises or which form it takes, very much resembles assembling a puzzle. Each new piece put into place makes you feel like you’ve made progress and accomplished something important. No matter how you go about it, all the efforts leading up to the final result can give you a sense of purpose, while the outcome will bring you immense fulfilment and satisfaction.
A financial investment
Some items are collected purely for their sentimental value and are not worth much. However, other pieces, like rare coins, vintage cars, artwork, certain sports memorabilia, or one-of-a-kind objects, can maintain and even increase in value as time goes by due to their rarity and popularity, thus turning into a potentially lucrative investment.
Many collectors seek items that have the potential to increase in worth in the future, hoping they will be able to sell them at a higher price than they were initially sold for and make a good profit. While this can be a risky venture, the prospect of material gains serves as a major incentive for certain collectors, pushing them to invest large amounts of money into these endeavours.
Collecting is a much more complex hobby than it appears and comes with plenty of perks that one should not disregard. So, if you’re thinking about starting your own collection, you have plenty of reasons to give it a go.